Sunday, August 15, 2010

Google Summer of Code - Final

As per the timeline of Google Summer of Code 2010 tomorrow (16 th August 2010). Here is my final work for GSoC 2010.

Although final results is not out yet, I would like to write what I feel at the end of these 3 months period and the Eclipse plug-in I have developed with the invaluable help and guidance from my mentor, Stefan Seelmann, and all the Apache Directory Community members.

within this period I not only learned technical stuff but also I learned open source way of developing, communicating with others (a lot) and much more.

Little bit about the project : 

This is a plug-in for Apache Directory Studio. The product which has been developed up top now is capable of generating a Java Bean class and a DAO class from an existing entry in a LDAP directory tree. The tooling collects all the required information in a wizard to generate the code and the code can be generated to a Eclipse Java project. At the moment it's not generation the pom.xml so that we need to generate the code in to a place where all the dependencies exist (e.g. persistence-example module).

All the project stuff about 'persistence tooling plug-in for Apache Directory Studio' can be found and download from Downloads section of the project.

How to install :

1) Tooling is working with Eclipse 3.5 so you need to have it installed.
2) Apache Directory Studio 1.5.3 and can be installed via update site
3) Extract the persistence-tooling.tar.gz to eclipse/dropins folder

One screen shot of the wizard (Here user can select which attributes of the LDAP directory tree to be generated to bean and Dao classes)

Yeah, that's it you can try it and improvements are ahead.Your comments will be appreciated.

Thanks my family, Malinthi, Stefan Seelmann, Google, Apache Software Foundation and all those who encouraged me.